The Association

Friday, September 2, 2011

My First Video Cast!


MissV said...


Way to go on the videocast! You are very easy to watch and listen to, as you are smiling the whole time and seem very educated on what you are speaking to. I feel that you give good information on how social media is important to social networking, especially with it 'representing our reputation'. You included facts, which drove your point, and gave ways to contact you in the future. VERY NICE and congratulations on the completion of the project : )

LaLa said...

Thanks A lot!! I really appreciate your comment. I believe giving facts really adds on to a persons credibility and knowledge!

lg said...

الان مع اكبر شركة رش مبيدات بالدمام والتي توفر لكم كل انواع المبيدات التي تستخدم في رش المنازل كي تخلصكم من كافة الحشرات ,ان شركة ابراج دبي تعد اشهر شركة تنظيف فلل بالدمام لاننا نمتلك العمالة المدربة علي كيفية تنظيف الفلل في اقل وقت ممكن و دون تلف اي شئ ,واننا نستخدم احدث المواد كي نجعل منزلكم يلمع وخالي من اي اتربة