The Association

Thursday, August 11, 2011

IPhone 5

Hello My Techtronics,
Sooo, as you've heard the Iphone 5 is coming out. YAY! I'm a loyal AT&T customer and have been for 9 years now. Talk about high...Wheeew, they need to give customers like me a Break!
As bad as I would like to upgrade to the IPhone 5, chances are 6 will be out 6 months later. In the meantime, while I'm currently under contract and not eligible to upgrade, I have to pay full price for the phone. GEEZ...they really know how to get ya.

Contracts are 2 years long-In most cases you must be at least 6 months away from your ending t date to receive a discounted price and on top of all that ...they have new phones coming out every 3 months or so....something doesn’t add up here…..I guess we all love life's little necessities regardless of what sneaky tactics companies use on us. SMH...Go figure


Kat said...

You can Say that again! They sure do know how to push that old adage "keeping up with the Jones" and dig into your pocket book. But then that's business for you, got to keep new and interesting things out there or you will die a quick death

LaLa said...

I totally Agree Kathy,...Businesses must keep new and exciting things coming because Technology has us spolied and we get bored quickly!