The Association

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Free up Wasted Space

Can anyone think of how many times they've heard someone say, I'm getting a new computer...Mine is Slow. You hear it quite often right!

When this happens take a deep breath and click on the link below or share this with a friend. There are a variety of ways to speed things in your digital world without spending extra money.

Maintenance task that Improves Performance

Hit me back and let me know if you were able to learn something new or if you experienced a huge difference. I know I did!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Social Media??

Good Evening Everyone!!
As we all know, social media has increasingly become a huge part of today’s society and most of all the job market. Sites like face book, twitter, Linked In and Skype allows us to advance in our careers along with our reputations. These sites are literally changing the way employers communicate with us. Using these tools can also help you to Network with other business associates and clients, it can show employers your technical, writing and communication skills, and most importantly they can help you to be become marketable and competitive in your field of your choice. With that being said, there are thousands of communities’ online and reputation is also very important because what you put online represents who you are and it can affect how people see you as a person.
For those who aren’t quite technological savvy, these digital tools lets you draw information from millions of people and organizations and I’m talking from all over the globe so the opportunities are endless and right now there are recent U.S studies showing that nearly 90% of employers either use, or plan to use, social media for recruiting.
All in all, There is some true value on these sites and you can find out more from me by joining my blog (TechNotronics) at you can email me at – Search for me on face book -Yolanda Lala Thomas and last but not least, don’t forget to follow me on twitter at LucyRicardo82.

Try joining a social networking site tonight!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Useful Links *Clickhere*

Technology is Evolving Everyday and in order to keep up we must get Involved...Below are a few sites that I would like to share.
Save the links: You never know when you may need to reference back to them

Webopedia: This online dictionary site provides definitions for various computer and Internet-related terms, phrases, and abbreviations
HowStuffWorks: Learn how all sorts of things work at this site, which uses clear, easy-to-understand explanations.

UCLA Ergonomics: The UCLA Ergonomics site provides information on how to set up a computer workstation so it is ergonomically correct. It also discusses common injuries and steps that can be taken to avoid them.

ID Theft: This site is developed by the Federal Trade Commission to help individuals prevent or recover from identity theft. Use this Web site to find wireless hotspots.

Spybot Search & Destroy: Download free antispyware software that gets consistently high ratings from PC Magazine from this site. - Haute Secure and it scans a site and lets you know if there is content on that site that could be harmful to your computer

I knew you would like them!

Make Room!

Remove or Add programs
     There are times when you will download certain programs or keep old  files on your computer. After 90 days you must be sure to go through all of your programs and remove unwanted files and documents. Reorganizing files and adding them can take up a lot of space on your computer that can slow down your performance.
Directions: Start-Control Panel-Add or Remove Programs

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Economy Of Words

The economy of words means that you are able to get a message of words together to produce a clear and concise point of view or statement. I believe an economy of words is words that work together to convey a message which is clear and to the point. Thomas Jefferson once said “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do”. Successful writers seem to stick to the important details of a message and they leave out words that are less important so that people may focus on the main idea. Having an economy of words is words with meaning that emphasizes on what’s important without repeating yourself to get a message across. Many are distracted with reading memo, emails, and blogs that have too many words with less meaning so its always good to have an economy of words.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of blogging

The benefits of blogs are that they allow you to develop longer and stronger relationships with others and it’s an excellent tool that allows you to share your knowledge with others. Blogs allow consumers to give feedback, comments and suggested stories based on your subject. Blogs allow you to make yourself marketable and competitive in today’s economy. The disadvantages of blogging consist of many risks such as inappropriate comments against someone or a company, multiple tones as if you’re unable to write down your thoughts in a clear manner which can turn consumers away, and damaging the reputation of a company by not keeping the blog updated for consumers to be informed of new products and services. There are many drawbacks and benefits of blogging that must be taken into consideration and with these in mind, you can have fun.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

IPhone 5

Hello My Techtronics,
Sooo, as you've heard the Iphone 5 is coming out. YAY! I'm a loyal AT&T customer and have been for 9 years now. Talk about high...Wheeew, they need to give customers like me a Break!
As bad as I would like to upgrade to the IPhone 5, chances are 6 will be out 6 months later. In the meantime, while I'm currently under contract and not eligible to upgrade, I have to pay full price for the phone. GEEZ...they really know how to get ya.

Contracts are 2 years long-In most cases you must be at least 6 months away from your ending t date to receive a discounted price and on top of all that ...they have new phones coming out every 3 months or so....something doesn’t add up here…..I guess we all love life's little necessities regardless of what sneaky tactics companies use on us. SMH...Go figure

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tools for the Digital Age

Hello to All:

This Blog is for Educational Purposes Only. Feel free to join me in this journey while we learn about Social media, Blogging, microblogging, Digital Media, Social networking and much more. Each day I'm going to try my best to post highlights of what I've learned.
Time spent here will allow you to be informed on Whats new and Whats not in the the New Digital Age!!

Enjoy, Yolanda